Bus Tour + 4×4 in Monfrague

Bus Tour + 4×4 in Monfrague Experience

This activity will allow us to know the main viewpoints of the National Park, where we can watch the birds of prey that give fame to Monfrague, to observe deer and hear the history of the place and its legends.

We will also enter the dehesas in 4×4 to see this unique ecosystem, where we find livestock, Cork oaks, wild animals, ancient trees and a great heritage and historical legacy.

The activity will be developed half in Bus and half in 4×4 dividing the group in two, with professional local guides equipped with telescopes. The time length is about 3.5 hours.

Booking this experience
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4×4 y Aves en Monfragüe (5)
4×4 y Aves en Monfragüe (5)

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